SPS Technology Training


"I believe in being skeptical about technology, and therefore learning how to use it well."


Cathy Davidson, Ph.D (Teaching in Higher Ed - podcast #169)

Training Offered by the Online Support Team

Canvas Logo
Canvas Training
Canvas Training

Instructors and associates will gain an overview of the tools and capabilities of the Canvas (CourseWorks) learning management system.

Zoom Icon
Zoom Training
Zoom Training

Zoom is the main online meeting solution for SPS courses with required online class sessions. This introductory training is required for all new online instructors.


Zoom Icon
Zoom Practice Sessions
Zoom Practice Sessions

Would like like a chance to test drive Zoom with an OCI Team member? These sessions are designed for instructors who have completed our Zoom training. 

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First Wednesday Webinar

This rotating series takes place on the first Wednesday of every month and focuses on special topics in educational technology and digital pedagogy.

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Pedagogical Consultations

One-on-one individualized consultation with an online support staff member.

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Digital Accessibility Workshop Series

Learn how to create accessible and inclusive content for your courses by attending this interactive workshop series. Sessions meet from 12-1 pm every 3rd Wednesday, Spring 2020.

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Online Student Technology Training

This training will cover the basics of key educational technology used by students in SPS online courses. Please sign up for a time that is most convenient to you.


  • All new faculty Associates are required to take the self-paced Associate Training Course. You will automatically be enrolled in the course upon completion of all hiring paperwork. Associates who do not receive an automated course invitation email or who have other questions should submit a ticket at cusps.zendesk.com.
  • All faculty teaching online or hybrid courses are required to take Zoom and Canvas training.