Committee on Instruction


The Committee on Instruction (COI) at Columbia University's School of Professional Studies plays a vital role in maintaining and enhancing the School's academic standards. Comprised of full-time faculty members appointed by the Dean, the COI advises on curriculum matters, including approving new programs and courses. It ensures that all syllabi meet Columbia University's rigorous standards, collaborates with program directors, faculty, and curriculum committees, and proposes new academic policies. The COI upholds the quality and integrity of the School's academic offerings through regular meetings and continuous oversight.

Beth Fisher-Yoshida, Ph.D., Program Director, M.S. in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution; Professor of Practice (Chair)

Steve Safier, Ph.D., Program Director and Lecturer, Human Capital Management

Michael Schwam-Baird, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Professional Practice, Political Analytics

Robert Simione, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Professional Practice in Applied Analytics

Grant Son, M.B.A., Senior Lecturer, Sports Management

Danielle Spencer, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer in Discipline, Narrative Medicine

Kevin Visconti, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer and Associate Director of Curriculum, Strategic Communication


Secretary & Ex Officio 

Erik T. Nelson, Ph.D., Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Lecturer in Professional Studies


Advisory & Ex Officio 

Tiffany Hughes, Ed.D., Associate Dean of Graduate Programs

Ariel Fleurimond, Senior Director of Instructional Design & Curriculum Support



Evelina Freeman, Assistant Dean of Graduate Programs

All program and course-level changes requiring COI (Committee on Instruction) approval should primarily be reviewed by the Program Curriculum Committee (PCC) during the Annual Curriculum Review (ACR) and on an ad-hoc basis if emergent needs arise.

Course updates made as part of regular teaching practice should be made in consultation with the Program Director, who will advise if COI review is needed. Minor changes can be processed through the Course Management System (CMS) without COI review.


Changes Requiring COI Approval
At the program level, the following changes require review and approval from the COI:

  • Any changes to program learning objectives or outcomes.
  • Any addition, removal, or substitution of core courses must follow the guidelines from the Office of the Provost. Program Directors are responsible for consulting with the Office of Academic Affairs prior to seeking a COI approval.

Changes Not Requiring COI Approval
At the program level, the following changes do not require COI review:

  • Addition of required course sequencing or the establishment of pre-requisites.
  • Removal of elective courses.


Changes Requiring COI Approval
At the course level, the following items require review and approval from the COI:

  • Addition of an entirely new course to the curriculum.
  • Changes of significance to existing courses, including any of the following:
    • Course title changes.*
    • Course description changes.*
    • Changes to the number of academic credits.
    • Modifications affecting more than 25% of learning objectives.
    • Modifications affecting more than 50% of course topics.
    • Changes to the course assessment strategy.
    • Changing a course’s designation from Core to Elective or Elective to Core (must follow Office of the Provost guidelines, with consultation from the Office of Academic Affairs).*

*Denotes an informational item for COI.

Changes Not Requiring COI Approval
At the course level, the following changes do not require COI review and approval:

  • New modalities of existing courses (e.g., transitioning to online), so long as the new modality does not alter the course syllabus in a way that requires COI approval as delineated above.**
  • New readings or examples that improve the currency and relevance of course topics.
  • Grammatical changes to course descriptions in student-facing sites.
  • Standard legacy updates.

**Any addition of an online modality version of an existing course must partner with a member of the Instructional Design team.


Program Directors are responsible for consulting with the Office of Academic Affairs for program-level changes and ensuring compliance with the Office of the Provost's guidelines. Minor course updates should be processed through the CMS, while significant changes must be submitted for COI review.

Link to access COI Process Workflow Resources 

For any questions regarding the Committee on Instruction, please email [email protected]

Please use the designated web form (linked below) to submit your course syllabus or other materials for review by the Committee on Instruction.

For syllabus submissions, please ensure the syllabus is complete and adheres to the guidelines set by the Committee. The syllabus should clearly articulate course-level learning objectives that are specific, observable, and measurable. Additionally, it must include a comprehensive list of required and recommended readings with full citations following a consistent discipline-appropriate formatting style such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. This process is designed to maintain high academic standards and ensure a coherent and supportive learning environment for all students. Please review and address any feedback from previous submissions before resubmitting.

Important: Program Curriculum Committees (PCCs) must review and approve any materials being submitted. For syllabus submissions, PCCs are required to review and approve use the SPS Course Review and Approval Matrix. 

Items to Submit for Review

  • Course Syllabus 
  • SPS Course Development Syllabus Narrative Cover Page  
  • Informational Items
    • Items such as course titles and descriptions or changes in the type of course (e.g., core to an elective) must also be submitted using the COI Submission Web Form

Upon submission, you will receive a confirmation email, and a member of the Academic Affairs team will reach out with any questions. Please note the COI review period is rolling, and decisions may be administered at any time during the review period. 

Link to COI Submission Web Form




For any questions regarding the Committee on Instruction, please email [email protected].





For any questions regarding the Committee on Instruction, please email [email protected].