SPS Course Support

Course Support Resources for Faculty

SPS offers a wide range of course support services to faculty in addition to those provided by Columbia University. Support services range from assistance related to digital teaching and learning to classroom space requests, textbook orders, printing, and special academic event logistics. In addition, SPS maintains a premium live technical support service for Canvas/Courseworks users, available 24/7 for all of your urgent issues.


The CUSPS Helpdesk is the central hub for submitting support requests, accessing help center resources, and reaching out via live chat to SPS support experts. You can contact our course support experts directly by submitting a Helpdesk ticket. Common requests include securing a classroom or space for meetings/office hours, entering grades, or granting access to a student or teaching associate. Whatever your need, we want to help or put you in contact with the right person.

Two teams are responsible for serving as the front line of support for faculty before, during, and after course delivery:

The Online Support and Academic Technology team manages requests for support related to digital teaching and learning. The team provides semesterly educational technology training for faculty and students, robust helpdesk support (in tandem with instructional support), and 1:1 consultations with a team of highly dedicated technical support staff. We maintain a suite of innovative academic technologies and provide access, technology guides, and best practices for leveraging these tools in online and hybrid courses. For more information about our services, visit our Online Support and Academic Technology resources page.

The Instructional Support team manages requests for classroom space and support, textbook orders, and course material printing; coordinates academic events; handles CPS updates; and can help you find answers to other program-related questions not listed here. For more information about our services, visit our Instructional Support resources page.

Canvas/Courseworks Live Technical Support

SPS offers premium technical support services to all Canvas/Courseworks users. If faculty or students need urgent help with Canvas, they can contact a dedicated Canvas support team via phone or live chat. This premium support channel is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Columbia University Support Resources

  • Columbia University Information Technology (CUIT) is the central IT unit for Columbia University. CUIT manages requests pertaining to UNI activation and management, email accounts, wireless access on campus, and more. Support is provided via the CUIT Service Desk, by calling 212-854-1919, or by sending an email to [email protected].
  • Columbia University's Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) partners with faculty, students, and colleagues across the University to support excellence and innovation in teaching and learning. The CTL is committed to advancing the culture of teaching and learning at Columbia through all of its programs, services, and resources. To contact CTL staff, call 212-854-1692 or email [email protected].