Course Technology Training


SPS faculty are encouraged to attend training in order to become familiar with the enterprise technologies integrated with Canvas, Columbia University's learning management system (LMS). These include Zoom, Canvas, Panopto, Turnitin, and other technologies critical to ensuring effective course delivery, academic integrity, and student success.

All faculty teaching online or hybrid courses are required to take Zoom and Canvas training. All new faculty Associates are required to take the self-paced Associate Training Course. You will automatically be enrolled in the course upon completion of all hiring paperwork. Associates who do not receive an automated course invitation email or who have other questions should submit a ticket at

Plan to attend a technology training session

Course technology trainings are hosted by the Online Support & Academic Technology team. To register for a training session, please navigate to our full schedule of offerings, or click on one of the links below to reserve your spot for an upcoming group training session or for a pedagogical consultation.

Canvas Logo
Canvas/Courseworks Training
Canvas Training

This introductory training provides an overview of the Canvas/Courseworks learning management system

Zoom Icon
Zoom Training
Zoom Training

Zoom is the web conferencing solution for SPS courses with required online class sessions 


Panopto Training

This training reviews Panopto features, instructor and student workflows, and associated resources

Pedagogical Consultations

One-on-one session for guidance related to course design, facilitation, or technology optimization