SPS is deeply committed to teaching excellence and providing exceptional support services to our faculty. We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities.
Faculty Fellows
Faculty Fellows offer individualized and tailored peer-to-peer professional development that can be valuable for faculty at any level of experience. Fill out the signup form to request a meeting with a faculty fellow.
Teaching Consultations
Upon request, a trained teaching consultant can meet with you to help you implement research-based practices into your teaching, discuss your teaching approach and goals, provide feedback on aspects of your teaching, or discuss any teaching-related concerns you might have. All consultations are strictly confidential. Please contact the Faculty Assessment and Development team ([email protected]) if you would like to arrange either an in-person or virtual consultation or sign up directly online.
Pedagogical Consultations
Schedule an individual appointment with a team member from the Online Curriculum and Instruction team to obtain guidance related to course design, course delivery, teaching and facilitation, or optimizing technology for teaching.