Welcome to the Columbia University School of Professional Studies and congratulations on your faculty appointment. The following recommendations will help you prepare to teach your class.
- Visit the New Hires section using the menu link at the top of this page to get acquainted with new faculty onboarding processes and procedures.
- Make sure to complete your new hire paperwork and activate your Columbia UNI - it’s your gateway to most resources at Columbia University.
- Sign up for training to use Canvas, the university's learning management system.
- Set aside some time to learn how to use the course technologies you may be using.
- Find out how to get targeted, expedited support with course logistics and technology!
- Explore how to further support your students by calling their attention to the Alternative Formats in Canvas, available for every page and content item.
- Teaching for the very first time? Here are a few things you can do to prepare for your first teaching experience.
- If possible, observe at least one class like the one you will be teaching; speak with the instructor about problems or successes he or she has had with the course. To arrange an observation, please contact your program director.
- Ask experienced faculty or graduate students in your department for information and tips.
- Visit your classroom in advance and familiarize yourself with the lighting, equipment, and layout; it’s amazing how fast your technology IQ can drop when trying to figure out new equipment in front of a room of students!
- If you're teaching an online or hybrid course, check out our top teaching tips for instructors or review online teaching strategies provided by the Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL).
- Make your way through the Pre-flight Checklist to ensure you’re ready to teach by the first day of class.
Questions? Concerns?
Contact us at [email protected]