New Faculty Preparation

Students sitting on the grass on campus


Welcome to the Columbia University School of Professional Studies and congratulations on your faculty appointment. The following recommendations will help you prepare to teach your class.

  1. Visit the Faculty Onboarding section to get acquainted with faculty processes and procedures.
  2. Make sure to complete your new hire paperwork and activate your Columbia UNI - it’s your gateway to most resources at Columbia University.
  3. Get acquainted with Canvas, the university's learning management system.
  4. If you're teaching an online or hybrid course, check out our top tips for instructors; in addition, set aside some time to learn more about the online meeting and discussion tools in your course(s).
  5. Make your way through the Pre-flight Checklist to ensure you’re ready to teach by the first day of class.
  6. Find out how to get targeted, expedited assistance with course logistics and technology!
  7. Teaching for the very first time? Here are a few things you can do to prepare for your first teaching experience.
    • If possible, observe at least one class like the one you will be teaching; speak with the instructor about problems or successes he or she has had with the course. To arrange an observation, please contact the academic director of your program.
    • Ask experienced faculty or graduate students in your department for information and tips.
    • Visit your classroom in advance and familiarize yourself with the lighting, equipment, and layout; it’s amazing how fast your technology IQ can drop when trying to figure out new equipment in front of a room of students! 
  8. Teaching online for the first time? Here is an overview to get started.

Questions? Concerns?

Contact us at [email protected]